Front-end Programming Tells Your Browser What to Do
Front-end web development (client-side coding) is programming that provides information to web browsers (and alternative devices) conveying how to interpret and display website content.
Features of Top Quality Front-end Coding
All websites require front-end coding (programming) and many small sites are built using only front-end coding. Top quality front-end web programming includes pure CSS layouts, semantic HTML 5, ethical search engine optimization, unobtrusive JavaScript, “Best Practices,” and strict adherence to current web standards as established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
We are front-end web development experts.
Each website we develop is error-free (valid) HTML 5 that meets the most rigorous W3C guidelines. We guarantee it. We also show you how to verify it.
Need Front-end Programming for Your Website?
If you’re searching for front-end coding help for an existing website or building a new site, give Charlottesville SEO Web Development a call at 434-284-2840. After hours (in Virginia), please send us a note using our contact form in the footer below. We’ll be in touch the next business day. Our developers are standing by. Get in touch!