![Marketing to Millennials, the Always On generation](https://e26mhwspmro.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/man-791049_1280.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&resize=780%2C535&ssl=1)
What matters to Millennials?
If you don’t know, you’re not engaging the most populous generation in the United States!
Millennials comprise more than a quarter of the U.S. population. As a result, competition for the buying power of these “Always-On Consumers” (AOCs) is fierce.
By definition, AOCs use about three devices a day and get online from three different locations at multiple points throughout the day. This means that Millennials respond to campaigns that are—like their devices—connected, personal, and responsive.
Although bombarded by more advertising campaigns than any prior generation, Millennials are surprisingly brand loyal. So, attend to the priorities of these 18- to 34-year-olds to create lasting relationships with them.
What matters to Millennials, and how can you connect with them?
Millennials are drawn to points and rewards programs. While collecting points toward an eventual prize motivates some, instant rewards are more appealing. The emotional response sparked by an immediate reward (such as a free song download) creates a warm impression of your brand that will lead to future purchases. The cost of instant rewards is also easier to track than points redemption, as the charges to your company are instantaneous upon user engagement.
Be Charitable
Despite their reputation for being self-centered, Millennials are invested in giving back, and they demonstrate their concern for the greater good through their purchases. As a result, companies that connect purchasing to charitable donations will see increased sales, even if products are priced at higher rates.
Make It Easy
Display ads fail to connect with Millennial consumers because they rarely offer seamless transactions. So don’t target Millennials with display ads.
Ensure that your content is interactive on mobile devices—this is where Millennials are, so mobile responsiveness is more important now than ever!
Make buying and social sharing possible with a single click or swipe. Develop apps that allow users to accrue points and rewards from any device.
Offer Quality and Transparency
The quality of your product is more important than the price, especially to Millennials. They will pay more for a better product. In addition, authenticity and transparency are prized attributes for this always-on demographic—be honest about your product and don’t promise what you can’t deliver!
Be Responsive
Millennials often post reviews on company sites and social media platforms. Show them you’re listening by addressing both positive and negative feedback, and—when appropriate—adapt your product or customer service in response. Millennials look to their peers for consumer guidance more than any other source, so a Facebook post or tweet can have an exponential impact on your brand when establishing trust and loyalty.
Be Interactive
Dynamic, fun content is a winning recipe. First, develop apps that let users monitor their progress in a fitness or learning activity by entering personal data. Then, create videos and games that Millennials will want to share and play.
Making your audience part of your brand creation process increases the emotional response to your content, which boosts sharing in social networks—a big win for your brand!
Make It Personal
Use what you already know about a customer to tailor future messaging. Millennials prefer a personal approach, so remember past purchases and searches and personal data such as birthdays—address customers by name in emails. Simplify navigation and checkout by anticipating your customers’ needs and suggesting similar products to previous purchases.
Creating and establishing brand loyalty among Millennials is worth the effort.
Want to Earn Millennials’ Loyalty?
Begin by recognizing what’s important to Millennials, such as emotional engagement, ease of use, and your support of charitable causes. Then, make your brand appealing to this huge segment of the U.S. population. Engage and connect with them. They will reward you with repeat purchases and become your most loyal customers!